Have you considered that the problem is not the real problem? The problem is how you think about the problem. Think differently about the problem and you'll not only change how you feel and experience your reality but ultimately change how you respond to the problem.   Until...

When we put our work out into the world, we want it to be appreciated. However, we can’t control how people will respond to our work. So, appreciate what you do and once you put your work out there into the world, let it go. If...

Being defensive has a time and a place, but if you feel like you have to be defensive all the time, this not only gets exhausting, but it's also, not the best way to respond. If you feel yourself getting defensive, ask yourself, what are you...

What goes around comes around. What you give, you get back. It's not a new concept but one we don't always understand positively. Understand the concept positively and it may help you to stay calm and make sense of life. It may also empower you to...

When our buttons are pressed, we often react.  But we can, if we want, respond instead.  Respond rather than react, to make a situation better and come out better off. If you want to respond, pause before you react.  Pause to understand, then calm your reaction...

When you receive a message via email or text that triggers an emotional response in you, can you resist the urge to reply immediately? If we reply immediately, we’re likely to add to the misunderstanding or conflict. If you really need to get things out of...

Between an interaction and your reaction, there is a space.  A space in which to assimilate what's happened, compose your thoughts and determine the best response.  Take that space to respond rather than react.  As a result, you’re more likely to make things better for...