You’re smart, wise and know-a-lot, so don’t let your know-how sit in your pocket, share what you know. But know when to keep your know-how to yourself and let others share their knowledge. Then, you’re not only showing respect to them and empowering them but...

You’re smart, wise and know-a-lot, so don’t let your know-how sit in your pocket, share what you know. But know when to keep your know-how to yourself and let others share their knowledge. Then, you’re not only showing respect to them and empowering them but...

Do you know what it means to cope? It's not gritting your teeth and enduring it. It's not holding back your emotions or reactions and holding it in. It’s not allowing anything or anyone to disturb your mind. It’s maintaining and sharing your positivity. Coping, what...

Good monring all, Happy Monday ! You're good at what you do & over time you've learnt a lot.  So you probably do know-a-lot. Now, share your know-how, don't let your know-how sit in your pocket. But remember, you don't...

Good morning people, I woke with a good vibe today,. so I wanted to share this with you ...