It feels good to help doesn't it? And it always feels good when someone offers their help. So, why wait to be asked? If there is something you can do to make a difference, then be proactive and offer to help without being asked. Offer help....

The best things in life are free, so share what you have, freely.  Share a kind word.  Share a smile.  Share what you know. Share and you’ll feel richer for it.  What will you share, today? Until da next tyme...

No matter how confident we are, we all experience the occasional blip in our confidence.  The next time you need an instant boost of confidence, try this simple, quick trick: smile. Smile.  It might be tentative to start with, but as you put your heart into...

Even though we live in a world of diversity, where we're so different from each other & have such different communication styles, we all smile & laugh in the same language. Share a smile or a laugh & you can communicate & connect with everyone....

Hi! Hola! Bonjour! Ni Hao! Ciao! Namaste!  No matter where we are in the world, being greeted is like a ray of sunshine, it just lifts our spirits and gets a smile out of us.  So why not bring a smile to others through a...

Smile.  A smile from the heart is the best accessory you can wear.  So if you're not smiling from the heart - why not?  What's stopping your heart reaching your face?  Add that warm, wholehearted smile to your appearance and it will make you feel...

Good morning , Today, challenge yourself to smile, all day.  Scan for the positives and smile sincerely, both at yourself and to the world. If you don't feel like smiling then simply relax your facial muscles and see if a natural smile appears. ...

Good Morning When we do things half heartedly, we feel bored & discontent.  Instead do things whole heartedly & you're likely to feel more enthused & content. Be present & put your heart fully in the moment that has presented itself; whether it's...

Good morning people! A smiley person is one whose heart seems to radiate through their teeth. And when they smile, it's almost impossible not to smile back...

Good morning people, Happy Friday! Here's a recipe to make every interaction count: 2 heaped cups of patience 1 head of thoughtfulness Sprinkle with 1 heart full of love Add a pinch of humour Mix well and serve with a smile...