We tend to think of happiness as a commodity, as something that we have or don’t have. But actually, happiness is not a commodity, it's something that comes from within. Everyday go within to find inner happiness. Experience it and have the goal to be happy...

Most of us are very good at focusing on people's weaknesses! Today, challenge yourself to identify the strengths in others; whether they’re your family, friends or colleagues. Focus on people’s strengths rather than their weaknesses and you'll bring out the best in them and leverage their talents...

Courage is the strength that allows you to: - stand your ground and stand by what you believe - face difficult situations, places, people and even yourself - rise from the ashes, the disappointments, failures and setbacks - go beyond your current limits and take action even when you...

When someone is not at their best, don't dwell on their shortcomings. Instead, think of at least one quality or strength that you appreciate in them. And then keep this in your mind when you think of them or interact with them. Notice the best in...

R.e.s.p.e.c.t. - it's something we all want, and not just Aretha Franklin. So, if you want respect, start respecting yourself first.  Start respecting your talents and interests and stop downplaying your strengths and success.  Start saying no without feeling guilty and stop saying mean things...

  One of the ways through which you can give others hope, is to Have Only Positive Expectations of them. When you see beyond their shortcomings, and only see their strengths and potential, your vision of hope allows them to discover and use their strengths and potential.   Until...

Do you know your strengths? Take an inventory of your strengths, and if you want, ask others to help you identify them. Also think about how to use your strengths more often, and further develop your strengths. Know your strengths and you’ll contribute more value and...

This week, make time to take an inventory of your strengths.  List them. Decide if you want to invest & further develop your strengths.  Make sure you affirm & spend time in your strengths frequently. When you know & work your strengths, you...

All of us have blind spots - attitudes and behaviours that hinder our potential.  So make it a habit to check for your blind spots. Sometimes these blind spots are more visible to others.  So if you can't spot them, you could ask someone...

Good morning all, Do you let your imagination run wild and create worse-case scenarios? Imagining the worst strengthens the possibility of creating the very situation you do not want.  Instead, why not increase the possibility of creating the best! Harness your imagination...