When your emotions are like crashing waves, gently flow beyond the waves to the calm tranquil waters. Experience your heart to be open, limitless and generous, like the ocean; no conditions, no judgments, just accepting and giving space. And like the waves of the ocean,...

When your mind is full of endless thoughts, let your thoughts gently soften and lose momentum, like ocean waves...

How is your mind feeling, right now? Whatever your mind is experiencing right now is a result of whatever you put into your mind!  So, if you want a happy state of mind, put something joyful in your mind. If you want a tranquil state of...

How is your mind feeling, right now? Whatever your mind is experiencing right now is a result of whatever you put into your mind! So, if you want a happy state of mind, put something joyful in your mind. If you want a tranquil state of...

Just as when you throw a pebble into a pond and the ripples spread out, in the same way, throw a pebble of relaxation into your mind and feel relaxation ripple through you. Drop a tranquillity pebble and feel ripples of tranquillity spread out across...

Have you noticed how the crowds, the quiet, the busyness in the workplace, the green in the park, all have an impact on you? This week, find tranquil places and powerful spaces you can visit regularly.  Soak up the atmosphere and the ambience, and keep yourself...

Ever visited a power spot?  A place where there's a reflective and tranquil atmosphere, where you can meditate and be introspective, gain deeper insights and realisations.  Maybe there's a place you go to in the countryside, in the mountains, or somewhere closer to home.  Power...