Along the way, we've all had to overcome a doubter or two. These doubters tell us why we can’t, and often they're just genuinely concerned and trying to 'protect' us. Next time you have to listen to a doubter, hear them out but don't let them...

Along the way, we've all had to overcome a doubter or two. These doubters tell us why we can’t, and often they're just genuinely concerned and trying to 'protect' us. Next time you have to listen to a doubter, hear them out but don't let them...

Everything comes to us in trust.  Become a trustee and a guardian of your world and the world around you. This includes people, pets, health, wealth, job, car, house, gadgets, as well as the world’s natural resources.  Then you'll not only worry less, stress less...

The mind can be like a wild horse, running freely, while we try to hold on. To tame this wild horse, we need to a) realise that we are masters of our mind, and b) build trust, as we would in any relationship. Build a relationship with respect...

We're all so different with such diverse perspectives, experiences and backgrounds. To leverage the potential of diversity, why not find ways to bring people together? You can bring people together over a shared interest or activity, for sport or dinner. Bring people together to have fun,...

Trust is such an important element in relationships. Give trust, and not only do you get it back, but it also brings out the best in others.  But, it's a challenge to give trust, simply because it gets broken so easily.   Choose to believe in...

Honesty is the best policy, right? But sometimes, being honest can leave us feeling vulnerable or make others feel uncomfortable or hurt. How honest are you in your communication? This week, explore being honest while being gentle and respectful. Be honest in your communication, and you'll...

The gap between what you say and what you do acts like a drain; a drain where your integrity and people’s trust in you, seeps away. If you want to strive towards integrity and gain people's trust, close the gap between what you say and what...

We like to reach for certainty, but the only certainty is uncertainty. Let go of the need to reach for certainty & instead take hold of trust. Trust that there is a reason & benefit in everything. Cultivate trust in life & it will carry you...

When we doubt someone who already doubts themselves - it doesn't help the person, does it?  It only adds to their doubt.  Maybe the best we can do is to empower them. Empower them by encouraging their efforts, empathising with their difficulties and making them feel...