Whenever you get stuck in unwanted thoughts, think of your thoughts as birds. Thoughts are like birds fluttering around in your mind. You are not the birds. You are not your thoughts. So let go and let all your thoughts leave your mind and fly away....

When irrelevant, unwanted thoughts come along, choose not to entertain them. Instead try this simple trick: interrupt them. Interrupt your thoughts, and then think about something better   Until da next Tyme...

When irrelevant, unwanted thoughts come along, choose not to entertain them. Instead, try this simple trick: interrupt them. Interrupt your thoughts, and then think about something better.   Until da next Tyme...

If you're trying to stop an unwanted habit, stop.  It's quite difficult to stop doing something altogether.  You may just find it easier to swap than to stop.   Swap an unwanted habit with a habit you would like to develop.  For example, swap crisps...

When you receive feedback or a piece of advice that seems out of place, unwanted or really unnecessary - what's your reaction?  Get annoyed?  Ignore it?  Think, "Why am I being told this?” How about, accepting it and, if it feels right, say “Thank you.”...