We know that real beauty comes from within. Today, cultivate a sense of beauty by 1) turning inwards to appreciate your own qualities, 2) turning your focus outwards to notice the beauty in everyone around you, 3) and painting your life with the vibrant colors of...

Often, we gravitate towards people who are similar to us. This makes things more comfortable and easier. But more often than not, we're around people who are very different from us, and sometimes almost opposite to us. Today, appreciate the differences and acknowledge how people whose...

We are like a tree; the seed is the essence of who we are; our life-force, and our branches represent work, family, friends, health, dreams, ambitions...

Drop by drop, the rain washes away all the dust, making everything clean and vibrant. Be like the rain and wash away all your dusty thoughts, the stress, the anxiety and the unnecessary. And you’ll be left with a clean and vibrant mind.   Until da next...

There are some mornings you wake up and your mind feels foggy. Here's a way to clear the mind fog: Imagine all your foggy thoughts as the morning mist. Imagine that the sun is slowly rising and the mist is slowly beginning to evaporate, slowly dissolving...

Relationships are like a tapestry! What threads do you weave into the tapestry of your relationships?  Respect, acceptance, trust….?  Rethink the threads you use.  Get creative to create vibrant, strong relationships.   Until da next Tyme ...

Often, we gravitate towards people who are similar to us.  This makes things more comfortable and easier.  But more often than not, we're around people who are very different from us, almost opposite to us.  This makes things more interesting and vibrant. Today, appreciate the...