Dear all, So with new beginnings on the way, I decided to give my body a full cleanse. During day to day living we sometimes neglect our body and never take the time to clear it our like you would a wardrobe or a handbag....

Good morning all  Five ways to cure Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Dull weather can make anyone a bit down in the dumps but for up to a third of the UK population, SAD is more serious than that. Here’s...

Hey peeps, What's good, I have more useful information for you all. The average age of a life insurance claimant is lower than you think… Monday 26 January 2060 will be something of an important day for me. Or it will if...

Hey people , So with the start of the new year, everyone is trying to get into shape and as a result they fall off the wagon pretty quickly ...

Hey there all, Many thanks for all the requests to reinstate the health updates back to the blog. I have listened to your comments and will be sending future blogs about diabetes and general health updates :) Are you an Apple or Pear? and...

Hello people, You’ve heard it so many times that you probably say it in your sleep. "Diets don’t work; if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to make a lifestyle change." But what does a lifestyle change look...

Good morning all, This weekend was a pampering weekend for me and I decided to treat my self and take more care of my inside whilst looking after the outside too. when you hear the words ...

Hey peeps, So in the spirit if being healthy , its education time :) Lowering your blood pressure isn't always as simple as eating fewer high-sodium foods. The fact is that multiple factors combined affect your blood pressure. There are two main categories...

Hey friends, In the last few weeks, I have been hearing the following statements "I wish I had more time for myself." "I'm so busy! I don't have a moment to breathe." "I need more hours in the day." "I don't have time...