Is there something you've been meaning to do for a while? If there’s a long list of things, then maybe just pick one thing. Choose something that you really want to do, something that’s realistically possible. Now, don’t just think about it or let another week...

We can be motivated by other people, books, money, ideas… How to let your ideas motivate you? Capture the idea by noting it down and then give the idea time to percolate and build momentum. If you really believe in the idea, then let it motivate...

What do you do after you've had a meditative moment? Do you rush into the next moment? Instead of rushing off, take a moment to capture how you're feeling. Then as you make a slow transition from meditation to action, integrate that meditative feeling into...

Action is important but so is inaction. It's about knowing: - when to say something and when to say nothing at all - when to keep going and when to stop - when to step in and when to step back - when to hold on and when to...

Ideas can pop up anytime, anywhere.  Now, you don't expect yourself to remember everything, do you?  Capture the idea on paper or on your phone, and your mind is then free to expand on the idea. But not every idea is going to be good, so...

You've heard the question, "If your life was a movie, who would play you?"  And at some point you've probably wished your life was just like a movie, full of adventure and magic. Here's another question: if your life was a movie, would it be...

The flower surrenders to the night & shuts up shop as the setting sun surrenders to the horizon of another day.  Geese surrender to the first autumn chills, & think of flying south.  Well the same opportunity is also available to all of us. ...

Sometimes fear can help us weigh up risks and caution us to be careful.   So listen to those little tugs of fear.  Check whether the fear is rational or irrational.  Accordingly decide whether you need to: a) honour your fear and step back from...

Good morning, What does courage mean to you?  Is it being honest with yourself about your mistakes?  Being honest about your shortcomings? Is it to trust that things will work out, even when you can't see how?  Is it taking action even when...