Do you commute to work? Ever complain about it? Complaining saps energy and wrecks the mood. Why not make your commute more enjoyable and enjoy the time that commuting offers you? Read something entertaining, informative or insightful. Listen to music or podcasts. Respond to messages, emails...

Why do we like sunsets? Whether it’s on the commute, on a holiday, in a painting, or even a glance out the window; a sunset can grab our attention. And, in that moment, it’s as if all our problems, worries, and stress fade away, and...

Books can challenge us, motivate, explore new cultures and worlds and even aid our growth or enhance our abilities. On World Book Day, pick up a book or start listening to an audio book. Make it 'me time'; at the beginning of the day for inspiration...

Just as the commute after work helps you to disconnect from work, in the same way, when you're working from home, do something simple at the end of your work day, something that helps you transition from work to personal time. You could tidy up your...

During a busy commute, do you ever find yourself with less patience, less empathy? Today, think about small habits you can develop to become a kinder commuter. And challenge yourself to bring kindness to your commute. Extend politeness and friendliness, and you'll feel good and also...

We all know, too much sitting isn't good for us. So, find ways to get yourself to stand more, move more. Here are a few suggestions: - Drink more water for more water and bathroom breaks. - Set reminders to stretch twice a day. - Move around while...

Are you wanting to incorporate a new habit into your life? Hook it to something you already do. Hook it with before brushing your teeth or after your lunch, or with your commute home or your bedtime routine. And let your existing routines or activities serve...

  Take a seat: sitting for long periods every day is not good for our health. Take a stand: standing is the obvious remedy! Stand up whenever you take a phone call.  Stand for half or part of your bus or train commute.  Set...

Good morning, Do you complain or get agitated about your daily commute?  Your attitude about your commute can carry into work, home, and play. So try to make your commute more pleasant, read, listen to music or podcasts, contemplate, meditate or simply chill. ...