Have you noticed how food affects your mood? As is your food, so is your mood! Have you also noticed how your mood affects the food you cook and eat? As is your mood, so is your food! Make healthier food choices, cook with love, eat...

When you don’t want to give in to your food cravings, remind yourself that cravings are just thoughts. You are not your thoughts. So, observe the thought and the craving will most likely lose its power over you. Create a sense of detachment from the thought...

How do you feel about your body? Feel comfortable in it? Complain about it? To get fitter and healthier, get better at looking after your body. But at the same time, improve your relationship with your body. Instead of striving for perfection, get better at accepting...

Are you feeling thankful? Count your blessings, good fortune, and all the resources and opportunities you have. Feel thankful for everyone and everything in your life, and it'll make you more optimistic and healthier. Are you ready to give thanks more than just once a year?...

"I should exercise more."  "I should eat healthier."  "I should do more."  The word "should" isn't negative but the way we use it, has a negative tone. Think about replacing "should" with something that's more encouraging and empowering.  How about, "I would like to...