If you have been best friends for a while, one of you will probably have said ‘we should all go on holiday together’ at least once. So lets do it ! Travelling with your mates is so much fun, but it can come with frustrations. While you...

If there are ideas and small projects you'd like to make happen but just haven’t found time, try the following: Do something small, something that may seem relatively insignificant. Do this daily or even a few times a week, and it may grow and accumulate into...

We’ve all heard of it: The Bucket List. And I’m not talking about the movie, I’m talking about the real thing. For those of you who may not have heard of it, The Bucket List is a list of things a person wants to do...

Ideas can pop up anytime, anywhere.  Now, you don't expect yourself to remember everything, do you?  Capture the idea on paper or on your phone, and your mind is then free to expand on the idea. But not every idea is going to be good, so...

Good morning ,   Do you find some meetings a waste of time?  We do need to work together & make decisions, share information & generate ideas.  So how will you make meetings more effective? Hold a walking meeting, if you can, or a...

Good morning all, When we offer an idea, an opinion, or an opportunity to others, we want it to be accepted.  But we can't make anyone take or accept anything. Try this: Offer without expectations.  Offer with confidence and humility. When you...

Good morning all, When we get stuck in attitudes & habits, we confine ourselves to living within the 'box'. 'Boxes' can be useful.  They can ground our ideas & imagination.  But when the 'box' becomes rigid & out-dated; that's when fear stays in & creativity...

Hey peeps, Happy Monday!  Lets kick start the week with today's Thought of the day ! People can motivate other people.  A book can motivate.  Money can motivate.  But the best motivator is an idea! How to let your ideas motivate you? ...

Good afternoon/Evening peeps, Today's thought of the day is running a little late, but better late than never :) Often we assume that good ideas just happen.  Or we try to generate ideas in a formal environment. Sometimes changing the setting can...