Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go. We don't lament the leaves falling; we find beauty in the vibrant autumn colours and in the way the leaves on the trees turn, fall and float to the ground. As autumn begins, take inspiration...

We find inspiration in nature and art…. in problems and failures…. in people’s stories and talents… . in a crowd or in the shower…. Inspiration is everywhere and it can come anytime. Be more observant and receptive to inspiration; it’ll stimulate creativity, fuel motivation and spark joy.   Until...

"Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams." Ralph Waldo Emerson Are you led by your dreams or your problems? When led by dreams, inspiration and creativity drives us forward towards the direction we want to go. But when we're being pushed by...

You've probably heard the quote from Albert Einstein: "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?" What does your workspace say about you? Does your workspace help or hinder you? Does it promote inspiration...

When you feel like others outshine you, here are 5 things you can do: - Acknowledge how you feel. Is it jealousy, envy, resentment...

Compare yourself to others? Compare and you’re feeding your own insecurity and putting the focus on the wrong person. So, don’t compare! Find inspiration from others, but don’t compare. Focus on yourself to affirm what makes you unique, and build a deep sense of inner security.   Until...

Are you doing things from a place of inspiration or desperation? If it’s less inspiration and more desperation, ask yourself why? Resolve whatever is creating that sense of desperation. Then, find motivation and enthusiasm, and turn desperation into inspiration. Do things from a place of inspiration,...

Compare yourself to others? Compare and you’re feeding your own insecurity and putting the focus on the wrong person. So, don’t compare! Find inspiration from others, but don’t compare. Focus on yourself to affirm what makes you unique, and build a deep sense of inner security.   Until...

When you're going for a goal, one of the easiest ways to get there is by following the footsteps of someone who has already done it. You don't have to follow someone else’s path or replicate their every move. Simply take the inspiration that's useful to...

What's your relationship with reading? Love it, hate it? Skim-read for relevant bits? Read for pleasure, read for inspiration? Read to relax, read to escape? Research says that reading improves your thinking and memory, expands your perspective and empathy. Why not, improve your relationship with reading...