When we’re feeling sorry for ourselves, we need to ask, ‘What story have I been telling myself?’ Because the stories we tell ourselves shape how we feel and experience life.   Realise that feeling sorry for yourself does not make anything better. Reframe and refine your...

Get caught up in the daily grind, and life can easily slip into ‘just life’. But life is more than ‘just life,’ isn’t it? , fall in love with your life. 1. Infuse your life with purpose and meaning, and make things meaningful. 2. Recognise the love...

Do you end up making last-minute New Year’s resolutions? Last-minute resolutions are often not realistic or meaningful. To make the right resolutions: 1. Give it some thought beforehand. Think about what's meaningful to you and what you really want. 2. Be realistic about what's possible and set resolutions...

Even though life often feels like a series of mundane activities, it’s not a life more ordinary… You can change your approach. Make it fun and turn mundane into ‘fun-done.’ Make it meaningful and turn ordinary into extraordinary. You can also change your attitude. Embrace the mundane, appreciate...

Most of us believe in never giving up. But sometimes quitting is the smartest, wisest thing to do. Whether it's a commitment, an activity, a habit, an idea, a relationship, a project, if it's not making you happy, not serving you in a meaningful way,...

Keep your values in front of you and most things will work out by themselves. You can put them on post-it notes, or on your screen saver, or simply keep them in mind. Put your values in front of you and you're more likely to apply...

We’ve all heard of it: The Bucket List. And I’m not talking about the movie, I’m talking about the real thing. For those of you who may not have heard of it, The Bucket List is a list of things a person wants to do...

Infuse your everyday life with intention and heart, and your everyday life becomes a pilgrimage. Be an everyday pilgrim and life becomes meaningful and sacred. Until da next Tyme...

Most of us believe in never giving up. But sometimes quitting is the smartest, wisest thing to do. Whether it's a commitment, an activity, a habit, an idea, a relationship, a project, if it's not making you happy, not serving you in a meaningful way,...

Have you been meaning to get in touch with someone but just haven't got around to it? There are always good reasons for not getting around to it, but if it's important and meaningful to you, then make it happen today. Send an email, a text,...