How often do you find yourself complaining about the people you work with?  Complaining does nothing positive to the mood or relationships at work. Instead of complaining about the people you work with, focus on the skills they bring to the table, and recognise their working...

Your mood affects others. Moods are contagious. If you don't want others to catch your bad mood, then take a moment to shift your mood. Do something, anything that feels good and helps to lift your mood. You can always think happy thoughts to create...

Your mood affects others. Moods are contagious. If you don't want others to catch your bad mood, then take a moment to shift your mood. Do something, anything that feels good and helps to lift your mood. You can always think happy thoughts to create...

Feeling a bit moody? As a lot of life depends on our mood, here's a quick meditation exercise that may help you to lift your mood. Imagine that you're in a hot air balloon and as it starts to lift off, let go of your emotional...

Music can boost our motivation and mood. But we all like something different, so create different playlists for different purposes and use music to your advantage. You can create a: - Motivational playlist to keep you moving towards your goals. - Feel good playlist to lift you up...

Playtime, it’s not just for kids, it's for all of us.  Make time to play, and it will boost your mood and creativity, and it makes life more fun and joyful. So, go on, find ways to bring more play into your life; dance and skate,...

Ever catch yourself humming?  Hum, because it triggers relaxation and also boosts your mood.  Hum your favourite song or hum a happy tune or hum the tune that's stuck in your head.  Hum, even if you're out of tune or don't know the entire tune. Let...

Your mood affects others.  It’s as contagious as a cough, cold or flu! When you’re in a bad mood, become aware of how your mood impacts those around you.  And then take a moment to change your mood and begin to notice how your good...

When someone steps on your foot, do you fume?  Keep fuming and you'll spoil your mood.  Yes, it hurts but can you forgive their carelessness? Next time someone says or does something that's emotionally hurtful, try to forgive.  This doesn't minimise or excuse what's happened,...