When people make mistakes, do you find yourself being critical? Well, we all make mistakes, and we know, mistakes can often be stepping stones for our growth. When mistakes are made, be, more empathetic in your attitude. Then if you need to give feedback or deal...

Do you delegate to unload the tasks you don't want to do? Or do you delegate to upload, that is, elevate people’s skills? How about, delegating to upload and not unload. It may take a little extra time and effort, but when you delegate to...

It’s natural to want support from the people around you, but sometimes there isn't the support you want. When this happens, it's disheartening, but try not to take it to heart or let it defuse your enthusiasm. Let it be an opportunity for you to...

Are you a bit cynical about people? Maybe people have let you down and you haven't had positive experiences. But we're not inherently cynical and being cynical just makes us wary, preventing us from enjoying our relationships fully. If you don't want to end up more...

Ever noticed how often you complain about other people, and how it drains your energy? So this week: 1. Track how much energy goes into complaining about others. 2. Rather than complaining to everyone, talk through your feelings with the right person.  3. Ask yourself,...

Are you kind to strangers? Think of the strangers you encounter.  People who obstruct your path, on the road, pavement, or escalators - can you smile and wait for them to move forward or ask them nicely to move?  The tourist struggling with a...

You may find that the qualities & personality traits you like or dislike in others are likely to also exist in you.  Really?  Yes, people really can be your mirrors. They really can reflect back at you what you need to see about yourself -...

How do you cope with the noise that surrounds you?  The traffic, people talking, dogs barking, birds chirping...

Good Morning all, I am a great believer in people and this is what makes me UNIQUE...