Are you neglecting your relationships? We don’t mean to, but neglect often happens when we take our relationships for granted or get caught up in the whirlwind of life.   Take an inventory of your personal and professional relationships and determine how to nurture and respect...

When it comes to relationships, both personal and professional ones, are you good at knowing when to step in and when to step back? For relationships to grow and thrive, get better at knowing when to a) step in and get involved, support, help and guide,...

Your personal energy is your most valuable resource. When you're not aware of what is worth your energy, you're more likely to focus your energy on things that don’t add value to your life. Become aware of what’s really worth your energy and you're more likely...

If you want to stretch and develop your strengths, here's a tip: Use one of your personal strengths in a new way. If you enjoy this, then each week a) select one of your strengths b) think about how you could use this strength in other ways and...

When we give feedback to others, it’s most often about their actions. Yet so often, we make it about their personality. If we want better results, better relationships, let’s not make it personal.   Separate the personality and the actions from the person, and cultivate a...

Are you enjoying all that’s happening at this moment? If not, then think: everything that happens, happens for my personal growth.  Even if you can’t see it, feel it or believe it.  Just hold this thought in your awareness and start recognising the magic and...