The way we sit, stand, move is often habitual and unconscious, and not always good for us. Pay more attention to a) the way you sit, stand, move, and b)  what your body is feeling and telling you. Become more bodyful and make simple adjustments to improve your posture...

The way you sit in meditation can often create a distraction. How about experimenting with different postures to find what works well for you? You can sit cross-legged in a lotus position or on a cushion on the floor. Or you can sit on a chair...

Are you slouching right now, as you’re reading this?  Your posture is not just a reflection of how you feel at that moment, it also affects how you feel about yourself.  Come on, back straight, shoulders back, chin up, chest out...

Don't slouch!  Sit up!  Stand up straight!  How many times have you heard that? Well your posture is not just a reflection of how you feel about yourself; it also affects how you feel about yourself. As you read this, what's your posture...