Whether it's reading, meditating, exercising, learning a new language, journaling...

Next time your mind is a little unsettled, try one of the things listed below to ease your unsettled mind: - Reflect on what's unsettling you, and then settle the unsettled. - Do something else, like reading, art, cooking; or do something active, like walking, yoga,...

The last few months provided many of us with an opportunity to enjoy hobbies. But if you haven’t kept up with them, then why not pick up the hobby, again? Whether it’s baking, sewing, pottery, photography, or playing the guitar, continue to make time for the...

Books enlighten and entertain. So, what kind of a reader are you? Are you more of bedtime, a commuter, or a holiday reader?  Are you a finisher or an abandoner?  Do you stick to classics, bestsellers, certain genres? Now that we're heading towards the 'ber' months,...

What's your relationship with reading? Love it, hate it? Skim-read for relevant bits? Read for pleasure, read for inspiration? Read to relax, read to escape? Research says that reading improves your thinking and memory, expands your perspective and empathy. Why not, improve your relationship with reading...

For the mind to work well, we need to invest in developing and strengthening the muscles of the mind. So, what will you do, go to a local gym for the mind? Here are a few suggestions: keep learning and keep reading; play games and solve...