If you’re feeling anxious, ask yourself how much you are focusing on things that are outside your control. Every time you start focusing on what’s outside your control, gently bring your focus back to what is within your control. Do this and you'll start to feel...

At the end of the day when you’re getting ready for bed, look at yourself in the mirror and acknowledge: 1) Your accomplishments from the day. 2) What you learnt today. 3) That being you is enough, you are enough. At the end of everyday, choose to acknowledge yourself...

Do you feel comfortable declining a social invitation? Even if you don’t want to let the other person down, remind yourself that declining an invitation is not a rejection of an entire relationship. And sometimes it’s important to say no to others and say yes...

Who am I? It’s one of life's biggest questions. So would you define yourself by your work, your personality, your experiences, the roles you play...

Are you waiting for someone, something or some place to give you a boost and make you feel good? A word of appreciation, a gift or that perfect holiday! Why wait for someone, something or some place, why not, make yourself feel good? Make a commitment...

R.e.s.p.e.c.t. - it's something we all want, and not just Aretha Franklin. So, if you want respect, start respecting yourself first.  Start respecting your talents and interests and stop downplaying your strengths and success.  Start saying no without feeling guilty and stop saying mean things...

You spend time with people you love, right?  Well, who do you love the most?  The right answer is, you.  So, do you spend quality time with yourself? Well, how about going on a ‘Me Date’.  You can go to a movie, eat at your favourite...

You spend time with people you love, right?  Well, who do you love the most?  The right answer is, you.  So, do you spend quality time with yourself? Well, how about going on a ‘Me Date’.  You can go to a movie, eat at your favourite...

Are you always honest about yourself, to yourself?  When we're not honest with ourselves, it creates a subtle tension. To improve your level of honesty, take time at the end of the day or the end of the week to reflect and journal.  Be honest with...

Do you compare yourself to others? Why? It could be because you want to gauge how you are doing in comparison, or it could be just plain force of habit.  Find out why you compare yourself to others. If what you really want is to...