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How to find Cheap Last minute flights

Last-minute trips can be exciting or sometimes stressful — but what they don’t have to be is expensive. Here’s how you can score great last-minute deals without breaking the bank.

How to search for low-priced, last-minute flights

Planning a spur-of-the-moment getaway is nothing short of thrilling, especially when you’ve snagged a sweet deal. But for the times when you need to find a flight ASAP, you don’t necessarily lack options or have to pay inflated airfare prices. Use these Skyscanner search tools and pro tips to find cheap, last-minute flight deals.

Cheap last minute flights when you need to travel

  1. Check nearby airports. Destinations with multiple airports give you more airline, itinerary and price options. When you start your flight search, select the “add nearby airports” for both the departure and arrival cities.
  2. Book one-way. Round-trip flights aren’t always the cheapest. Sometimes you save more by booking two one-way tickets, allowing you to mix and match airlines. Search for round and one-way trips to see which last-minute flight prices are the best.
  3. Get on the phone. Some package vacation companies sell off last-minute trips at huge discounts when customers cancel. (The same is true for hotel rooms.) It’s worth calling and asking if they have any same-day deals.
  4. Play chicken. Waiting until the very last second before making a move could pay off. Flight prices can drop as the departure date draws palm-sweatily closer. Want to travel on Friday but can’t find the right fare on Tuesday? Don’t give up just yet — try Wednesday, Thursday and the big day itself before you throw in the towel.
  5. Take the red-eye. These flights tend to be less desirable and thus less expensive and less crowded. That means you’re likely to score a deal and be able to stretch out comfortably across empty seats.

Cheap last-minute flights for flexible travel

  1. Go anywhere. If you want to travel and aren’t tied to a destination, use Skyscanner’s “everywhere” search to see the cheapest places. Select “everywhere” as your “to” destination, and we’ll show you great deals to amazing destinations around the globe.
  2. Take the long view. Know exactly where you want to go? Use Skyscanner’s “whole month” search tool to find the cheapest day to travel. Select the “cheapest month” feature to plan your next adventure for even more savings.
  3. Find the busiest locations. Popular destinations with multiple airports have more scheduled flights, so you can better find a deal. And, since many major airlines will be flying these routes, you can expect competitive prices.
  4. Stay alert. Got your eye on a dream destination? Don’t waste your time repeatedly checking for a price drop — let Skyscanner do the work. Set up a Price Alert for the route you want to watch, and we’ll notify you as soon as the price moves.
  5. Flexibility in your pocket. Instead of fruitlessly rushing to the airport to get a last-minute flight, you can find cheap deals for last-minute flight specials by downloading Skyscanner’s travel app.


Until da next Tyme


Sourced from Sky Scanner

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