When starting something new, a job, a project, a goal, its normal for doubts to creep in. But don't let these doubts define your ability. Instead, embrace a mindset of success. Believe that success is inevitable, and focus on your strengths, past successes and the positive...

Experiencing a mid-afternoon energy slump? Take a 10 to 15-minute walk; a slow stroll or a brisk one. Walk around the neighborhood, through green spaces, through your workplace, or up and down the stairs. Take a walk and it might boost your energy, clear your mind,...

We typically tend to focus on everything that's wrong in our lives. Let’s change that and focus on life’s blessings, not the blemishes. Focus on all the good things in your life and count your blessings, and you'll boost your morale, resilience, and motivation.   Until da next...

Have you noticed how food affects your mood? As is your food, so is your mood! Have you also noticed how your mood affects the food you cook and eat? As is your mood, so is your food! Make healthier food choices, cook with love, eat...

When you are facing problems in life, notice what you are thinking and notice how your thoughts make you feel. If you find yourself thinking, "It's all too much," "I can't cope with this," then you’re likely to feel more anxious. Instead, think, "I am stronger...

Putting others down makes neither you look good nor makes others feel good about themselves. So be more mindful of your words and if you find yourself putting someone down, catch yourself and pull them up. Pull up, not put down and lift others up, and...

Are you waiting for someone, something or some place to give you a boost and make you feel good? A word of appreciation, a gift or that perfect holiday! Why wait for someone, something or some place, why not, make yourself feel good? Make a commitment...

Playtime, it’s not just for kids, it's for all of us.  Make time to play, and it will boost your mood and creativity, and it makes life more fun and joyful. So, go on, find ways to bring more play into your life; dance and skate,...

After a bad night’s sleep, how do you get through the day?  With the help of coffee?  Or do you give in to the tiredness and get grumpy and short tempered? Here are 5 tips on how to make it through the day: 1) Eat the right...

No matter how confident we are, we all experience the occasional blip in our confidence.  The next time you need an instant boost of confidence, try this simple, quick trick: smile. Smile.  It might be tentative to start with, but as you put your heart into...