It’s all too easy to misinterpret someone's intentions or what they're trying to communicate. And we all know that making assumptions can all too easily lead to misunderstandings. So, challenge the assumptions you make about what others are thinking or feeling, and b) make an extra effort to...

When a challenging situation arises, recognise your responsibility in the situation. Taking responsibility doesn’t mean blaming yourself. It means recognising that there is something to learn here. Step back from the challenging situation and ask yourself: What is this situation trying to tell me? What can...

Like an unexpected guest, when a challenge comes knocking on your door, welcome it. Remember, it’s not here to stay, sooner or later it will leave. Like a guest who overstays their welcome, give the challenge your time but try not to let it overtake your...

Do you remember what it was like to go from a bike with stabiliser wheels to one without? You can still do this every day, whether it’s a task you have never done before or facing an interpersonal issue; simply challenge yourself out of your...

Feeling Overwhelmed? Whilst overwhelm happens to the best of us, we don’t have to live in a state of overwhelm.   Challenge the belief that you are overwhelmed. Consider the possibility that maybe you feel overwhelmed because you think you are! And then, ask yourself, 'How...

Is what you believe about yourself, helping or hindering you? Challenge the negative assumptions you have about yourself and what you are capable of. Challenge your self-limiting beliefs and turn any unhelpful beliefs into positive, empowering beliefs.   Until da next tyme...

Most of us are very good at focusing on people's weaknesses! Today, challenge yourself to identify the strengths in others; whether they’re your family, friends or colleagues. Focus on people’s strengths rather than their weaknesses and you'll bring out the best in them and leverage their talents...

Can you think of someone who is challenging you? Can you challenge yourself to be more generous towards them? How? Let go of any negative feelings you may hold towards them. Understand that just because they challenge you, it doesn’t mean they are against you. Being...

Whilst we all think negative thoughts now and again, negative thinking really can affect our wellbeing and our world. If you find it difficult to stop negative thoughts, try to 1) challenge your negative thoughts 2) explore thoughts that are more beneficial and empowering.   Until da next Tyme...

When there's a mountain in front of you, do you view it as an inconvenience or an adventure? What lens do you see the world through? Because the way you view things is not always the way things are. To see reality more clearly, regularly challenge...