Is your relationship with your boss, a little challenging?  Even if it is a challenge, try to better your relationship.  How? Well, here’s a simple reminder: it's not all about you.  So, try to understand your boss’s priorities and pressures and the challenges they face. Understand...

It's only a few months into 2017, but why not track your progress so far this year and recognise how far you have come?  Think of the challenges you have overcome and recognise a) the strengths you displayed and b) the lessons you learned or...

Keep your values in front of you and most things will work out by themselves. You can put them on post-it notes, or on your screen saver, or simply keep them in mind. Put your values in front of you and you're more likely to apply...

Often, when we get overwhelmed by life’s challenges, we lose sight of the bigger picture. It's as if we lose sight of the ocean for the waves. Life’s challenges are like waves, they come and go. See the ocean between the waves and the waves will...

We like to reach for certainty, but the only certainty is uncertainty. Let go of the need to reach for certainty & instead take hold of trust. Trust that there is a reason & benefit in everything. Cultivate trust in life & it will carry you...

Jealousy doesn't look good or feel good.  It makes us overreact, misinterpret and assume things. Every time jealousy emerges, don't look away, acknowledge it.  Then challenge your feelings of jealousy: What's really making me jealous?  Do I have valid reasons?  Am I being overly...

Do challenging situations feel like a burden that you have to endure?  Do they seem to last forever? To face challenges with more ease, think, situations are like passing clouds.  These clouds gather around me at times but they're only temporary, sooner or later...

Good morning all, When life hands you a challenge, welcome it! View the challenge as an opportunity to: - push yourself out of your comfort zone - stretch out to gain more skills, more insights and   more confidence Welcome, grow and...