We might not all have green fingers but we can certainly try to grow something.  We can start small, take care of houseplants or grow vegetables, herbs, flowers in pots.  If you really don't have green fingers, you can still nurture; nurture yourself, your health,...

We've all heard the flight attendant say, "Put your oxygen mask on first, before helping others."  When we help ourselves first, the help we give others will be more helpful and empowering. Help yourself by not neglecting yourself.  Honour your health, time and energy.  Nurture what...

The lotus flower is a symbol of purity and resilience.  Its roots are in the mud but it rises above the muddy waters, to grow into a pure, bright and beautiful flower. Like the lotus flower, be grounded in the realities of life and let...

Good morning, Start today hoping to make mistakes!  That doesn't mean you're giving yourself permission to be sloppy or careless.  No! It means that you stop worrying about getting things right and you're more willing to try new things and meet new challenges. ...

Good morning , Ever noticed how wildflowers stretch above the crowd, towards the light?  The unexpected reward for this natural process for the wildflower is a broader view of its surroundings! How far are you prepared to stretch yourself in order to 'grow'...

Good morning all, When life hands you a challenge, welcome it! View the challenge as an opportunity to: - push yourself out of your comfort zone - stretch out to gain more skills, more insights and   more confidence Welcome, grow and...