How would you benefit from reducing your screen time? There’s only one way to find out, try it. Experiment avoiding the screen first thing in the morning and 30 minutes before bedtime for the rest of this week and find out how it impacts your sleep...

When someone upsets or angers us, it's so easy to react out of habit and regret it later. To break this habit, stay alert and catch yourself before you react! Whether it's a difficult interpersonal interaction or an emotionally charged email, take a moment to choose...

When you’re part of a team, do you aspire to be the best on the team? Aspire to be the best on the team and you may find that the habit of comparing, competing and all the different facets of ego get in the way...

Replacing a bad habit with a positive, healthier one might be more effective than stopping the bad habit suddenly and completely. And when you're building the new habit, regularly a) practise it, b) remind yourself of the benefits of the new habit, and c) track your progress   Until da next...

No matter how many times you declutter, it doesn’t take long for things to get cluttered again. Now, clutter didn't come back by itself, you put it there. So think about how to keep the clutter from coming back. Find a place for things and...

Are you feeling thankful? Count your blessings, good fortune, and all the resources and opportunities you have. Feel thankful for everyone and everything in your life, and it'll make you more optimistic and healthier. Are you ready to give thanks more than just once a year?...

Do you compare yourself to others? Why? It could be because you want to gauge how you are doing in comparison, or it could be just plain force of habit.  Find out why you compare yourself to others. If what you really want is to...

If you're trying to stop an unwanted habit, stop.  It's quite difficult to stop doing something altogether.  You may just find it easier to swap than to stop.   Swap an unwanted habit with a habit you would like to develop.  For example, swap crisps...