Buying things, eating things, doing things…. We all have impulses, we don’t always give in to them. We have thoughts, we don’t always act on them. We have a choice. We have self-control, control over our impulses and thoughts. Eat regularly and healthy, meditate more, get...

Buying things, eating things, doing things…. We all have impulses, we don’t always give in to them. We have thoughts, we don’t always act on them. We have a choice. We have self-control, control over our impulses and thoughts. Eat regularly and healthy, meditate more, get...

Just as many technical problems are solved by restarting, in the same way you can solve many of life's problems by a simple restart. "Have you tried restarting?" Next time your mind is stuck, step back from the problem and give yourself some breathing space. Breathe,...

Getting to sleep on long-haul flights can be tricky, whether you're on a cramped, cheap flight to Bangkok, or you figured out how to get an upgrade on that red-eye flight to Dubai. To help you on your way to the land of nod, here are some...

What are your plans for lunch? You will step away from your work space and eat healthily, won't you? And while you're on your break, do something to clear your head and re-energise for the rest of your workday. Here are a few ways to reclaim...

For the mind to work well, we need to invest in developing and strengthening the muscles of the mind. So, what will you do, go to a local gym for the mind? Here are a few suggestions: keep learning and keep reading; play games and solve...

There’s so much information coming at us all the time, that it’s almost impossible to keep everything in your head. 1) Instead of trying to remember everything, write things down and make things easier for your brain. 2) Now and then, try to remember things, names, quotes,...

Ever visited a power spot?  A place where there's a reflective and tranquil atmosphere, where you can meditate and be introspective, gain deeper insights and realisations.  Maybe there's a place you go to in the countryside, in the mountains, or somewhere closer to home.  Power...

You know how busy you are, how busy your mind is, it's no wonder you're exhausted!  Here is a simple exercise to integrate into your busy lifestyle - 10 second stop breaks.  Stop and meditate for 10 seconds.  Stop at regular intervals through the day,...