When the weather changes, we may complain but we'll still adjust to the new conditions, won't we? Today, apply the same approach to whatever is going on in your life. Adjust your mindset, adapt to the moment, and acclimatize to what is, and you may find...

Memories pop into our minds out of nowhere, bringing with them buried feelings. If it's a happy memory, it gives us a boost.  If it’s not, it triggers the associated negativity, causing heaviness in our minds. When a negative memory comes up, accept it and then,...

There is goodness in everything, our goal is to find it. In every person, the best is there, our job is to recognize it. In every situation, the positive is there, our opportunity is to see it.   Until d a next Tyme...

Too many things to get done? Overthink and you'll end up feeling overwhelmed. And when you're feeling overwhelmed, not much gets done. Instead, think: 'I have the opportunity to do all these things,' and soon, you'll start to feel overjoyed. Be overjoyed, not overwhelmed, and you'll...

There are always problems! View problems as problems, and you make the experience more difficult and stressful than it has to be. How about training your mind to reframe problems as possibilities? Reframe and you'll make problems less intimidating and turn problems into opportunities for growth...

Kindness doesn't have to involve grand gestures, but it does involve your presence. So, be more present to notice when someone is kind to you or when there's an opportunity to be kind.   Until da next Tyme...

When you come across someone you find difficult, take it as an unexpected opportunity for growth. 1) Identify the behaviour(s) that you find difficult. 2) Note it down as tips for ‘How Not to Be.’ 3) Understand what this can teach you about 'How to Be.'   Until...

Are you waiting for the right opportunity to come along? Waiting for them to be handed to you? Well, you could be waiting for a while...

Have you attempted something for the first time recently? First attempts aren't always easy, in fact, most of us are afraid of doing something for the first time. It's uncomfortable and unfamiliar. But if we never try doing something new, we'll never expand our potential. This...

The last few months provided many of us with an opportunity to enjoy hobbies. But if you haven’t kept up with them, then why not pick up the hobby, again? Whether it’s baking, sewing, pottery, photography, or playing the guitar, continue to make time for the...