How do you feel when you’re being generous? Be it sharing your last piece of chocolate, listening to someone (even when you’re in a rush), giving encouragement or an opportunity...

You know that sinking feeling you get when you realise you've lost all of your work?  All that hard work, all that time...

It’s natural to want support from the people around you, but sometimes there isn't the support you want. When this happens, it's disheartening, but try not to take it to heart or let it defuse your enthusiasm. Let it be an opportunity for you to...

A misstep may turn out to be a stepping stone for success, a step in the right direction. A mistake may lead you to have better ‘takes’ next time. A misunderstanding may give you the opportunity to gain better understanding. You never know where things can...

Often tasks feel like a chore because we forget to see what we do as an opportunity to enrich and be enriched. See things differently and then find something called enthusiasm inside of you.  Now put enthusiasm into what you do and not only...

Generosity is the act of giving.  Giving things, giving time, giving encouragement, giving opportunity...

Good morning , What happens when you think of a situation as a 'problem'?  Tension, worry, disappointment, frustration are most likely to arise. What happens if you were to think of the same situation as a 'challenge'?  Now what happens if you think...