Sometimes the easiest way to resolve confusion & conflict is by asking other people questions. Ask how they feel. Ask for their perspective. Ask for more information. Ask questions, dig deeper & get understanding & clarity. So, let's not underestimate the power of asking questions.   Until da...

Next time you find yourself tangled up in cloudy thoughts and confusion, try this: Open your mind and untangle yourself from your thoughts, and let your awareness rise higher and higher, above the clouds. Like when you’re flying in a plane or standing high in...

Sometimes we get too wrapped up in ourselves, and what we need is, perspective. Step back from yourself, from your thoughts, emotions and outlook. Look at yourself from a distance. Look at things from another angle. Step back and see yourself and the world differently. Do...

When there's a difficult situation, be like a kite, and rise above the situation. With a better perspective, you can handle the situation with more ease and soar high just like a kite in the sky. Until da next Tyme...

Want to stop getting carried away by your emotions? Name your emotion. Is it nervousness, annoyance, sadness, guilt, disappointment, shame…? Name what you are feeling and it may help you gain a little bit of a distance. Observe the emotion for what it is, without judging...

When obstacles come your way, look beyond what's in the way to reconnect with your purpose. Look within to strengthen your faith in yourself. Look ahead to see the bigger picture. Look beyond, and gain perspective on a) the obstacle and why it has come, and...

This week, don’t just let the week pass by, do something exciting. Try a new experience, eating new foods, singing karaoke at the top of your lungs...

What you see and how you see things matters.  But where you see things from, also matters. Step back to see things from a distance.  Take a bird's eye view to see things from above.  Change where you see things from and you may get a...

In the heat of a stressful moment, if you can, stop for a few seconds or minutes to relax. Take a few deep breaths and loosen your arms, drop your shoulders, rotate your neck and release the stress. You may want to remind yourself that nothing...

Humour not only makes you light hearted but it also makes you more resilient.  How?  Well, humour helps you to stop blowing things out of proportion, find the funny lining in a situation, and put things in perspective.  This enables you to stress less and...