Every now and then we get caught up in life and the drama of it all. For the times when you need a break from it all, try this: Imagine you're watching the drama of your life on TV. As you watch your drama, slowly...

What's the best advice you've ever received? Here's another question: why do we so often and so easily turn to others for advice? The best person to take advice from is yourself. You know yourself and your situation the best, and only you know what's...

When faced with a problem that seems impossible to solve try, this. Think: I am bigger than the problem. Grow yourself to be bigger than the problem and your perspective changes. From a higher perspective the problem may seem more manageable. It may also increase your...

Every so often, life presents us with a tall order - a situation that seems so difficult & one that occupies our mind so completely that we just can't see over or around it. Next time you come across one of life's tall orders, try...

When things are looking down, here's a simple way to boost your mood, look up.  Look up in the sky.  Look up at the clouds, the sun.  Look up at the stars, the moon.  Look up at the buildings, the trees.  Look up.  It may...

Every day, we continue to grow, develop and evolve.  Here are 3 ways to evolve, involve yourself in: 1. A conversation. Listen & engage fully to enrich your perspective & understanding. 2. A challenge. Leap out of your comfort zone to expand your capacity &...

Who doesn't enjoy being right?  But if we didn’t need to be right in every discussion, we might just see things differently and learn from other perspectives. We might also understand that 'right' is a matter of perspective. If you can’t give up your right...

All too often we get wrapped up in all the different stories going on in our lives, and easily loose perspective.  Every now and then, unwrap yourself from the stories.  Close the book.  Take a deep breath and let a bit of quiet calm wrap...

When someone upsets you, it's so easy to react. But if you want to stop the relationship from a downward spiral, first, take care of your upset feelings.  Then extend yourself and see things from the other person's perspective. This doesn't excuse why...