Many of us have the tendency to postpone even the most important things to the last moment. We assume we will be able to get things done later. But sometimes the unexpected intervenes and everything collapses under the added strain. When I remain focused I am...

How often do you postpone your meal time just to finish that one last thing? Even though there’s always something or the other waiting to be finished, postponing your meal times doesn't do your body and mind any good. Stop postponing. Avoid letting anything eat into...

After a bad night’s sleep, how do you get through the day?  With the help of coffee?  Or do you give in to the tiredness and get grumpy and short tempered? Here are 5 tips on how to make it through the day: 1) Eat the right...

Is your to-do list overloaded?  Unload your to-do list and make it more manageable with the 3 Ds! 1. Drop. If it doesn't need to be done, delete it from your list. 2. Defer. If it doesn't need to be done today, postpone it...

Do you hesitate a lot? Even over simple things? Address your hesitation & understand what's making you hesitant, & why. Then give yourself a time limit to make up your mind. Understand that most often, hesitation costs us time & opportunities. So stop hesitating...

Good morning , If you're a highly worried person or even an occasional worrier, here's a tip: postpone your worrying to an allocated worry time.  You can worry as much as you want in your worry time.  Just set a time limit. If...