Did you know that we recommend meditating with eyes open? Meditate with eyes open and you're more likely to stay awake and alert, with no temptation to nod off! It ensures that you not only stay grounded and present, but also develop a skill that...

Do you find that it's not just our mind that's always racing, but our body also continues to race, even when we sit down to take a break? So, the next time you sit down to take a break, scan your body to check how it...

Mix meditation and exercise, and you’ll get more out of your exercise routine, and increase your concentration, discipline and enjoyment.   Before you exercise, breathe slowly, breathe deeply and relax all the muscles in your body. As you exercise, be more present to what you are...

Pain is often a messenger.  So, when you're in pain, stop & listen to your body & to your emotions. Is the pain telling you to: - rebalance your priorities & responsibilities? - take care of yourself & get more rest? - shift things in life, & maybe...

Ever thought about adding meditation to your exercise or workout routine?  Try it, it might just increase your concentration, discipline and enjoyment. - Meditate before a workout. Breathe slowly, breathe deeply and relax all the muscles in your body. - Meditate while exercising. Be attentive to what...

When we go to work feeling ill, we're probably infectious and unproductive.  But if we stayed home every time we're ill, we'd be taking too many days off work.  And if things are too busy at work then staying home isn't always an option. ...