Eight hours or more in a crowded aircraft cabin might sound like your worst nightmare, but flying long-haul can be heaven with a little preparation and a few home comforts. Follow our 10 survival tips for long flights and you’ll emerge refreshed, relaxed and ready...

There’s so much information coming at us all the time, that it’s almost impossible to keep everything in your head. 1) Instead of trying to remember everything, write things down and make things easier for your brain. 2) Now and then, try to remember things, names, quotes,...

After a bad night’s sleep, how do you get through the day?  With the help of coffee?  Or do you give in to the tiredness and get grumpy and short tempered? Here are 5 tips on how to make it through the day: 1) Eat the right...

Like footprints in the sand, imprints in the mind also get left behind.  For a calm sleep & a fresh start the next day, take a few minutes at the end of the day to clear the footprints in your mind.  Just as footprints in...

Sometimes, do you feel like a zombie, sleep walking through life? Going from one place to another without enjoying the journey? Doing things with no real meaning? Come on, wake up! Realign with your purpose & get excited about your input.  Notice the beauty...

Good morning ,   Every night retire, rather than go to bed tired!  How? Before bedtime, make time to take a shower and wash away any weariness from your day.  Do a quick mental inventory of your day and take note of small or...

Good morning, Do you have a ritual that helps you to sleep well? Here are a few suggestions for you to try out & find what works for you: - Eat lighter meals in the evening. - Write down anything that's leftover from...

Hello people , As a frequent traveller, is there anything better than sleeping through a flight? Long journeys are over before you know it, and you arrive at your destination well rested and ready to enjoy your holiday. However, actually falling asleep on a...