You don't have to climb a mountain to feel on top of the world. Simply challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and do something that feels a little challenging and scary. Then keep going until you reach the summit. When you reach the...

When you are in need of some space and silence, try this meditation: Raise your attention up and out of the room, higher and higher, further and further into the vastness of the sky….  Going beyond the skies, the space and the galaxies, to a...

If you make a fool of yourself, are you OK with it? It’s not the end of the world, is it? Today, be less self-conscious and don't worry about what others think. Don’t be afraid to look like a fool and be confident enough to...

Each one of us is different, with different perspectives and different truths.  Yet we're all interconnected and part of one world, one family.  And even though there are differences between us, we can appreciate the differences. Until da next Tyme...

Most of us tend to view the world through a filter. Like Instagram photo filters that make everything look beautiful, should we edit our view of the world and add the optimism of Instagram filters?  Or should we embrace the messiness and imperfections of the world? ...

There are many things we can do to make a positive difference in the world. So, think about what more you can do to make a difference. Did you know that your thoughts also have a considerable impact on the world? They really do. For example,...

Your mind is a canvas, your thoughts are the brushes and your feelings and moods are the colours. What will you create on the canvas of your mind? Just as you can paint your mind and create whatever you like, in the same way, the world...

Even though we live in a world of diversity, where we're so different from each other & have such different communication styles, we all smile & laugh in the same language. Share a smile or a laugh & you can communicate & connect with everyone....

Good morning all, Would you like to do more for the world?  Actions make a difference.  But our thoughts also make a difference. When you meditate, take a few minutes to create positive, powerful thoughts for the world. Take a bird's eye view of...

Good morning all, The more you get used to something, the less you feel grateful for having it.  It's so easy to take things for granted. Consider yourself to be a guest in this world and you'll never take anything for granted.  For...