Flight G8895ee54f 1280, Missy E

Travelling in today’s climate

Recently we have either experienced or connected with someone whose travel plans had been disrupted through no fault of their own

Whether from a big airline or a smaller one? The industry has been suffering …

The pandemic has created many issues which will take some time to iron out for future travel, and I know that each of us has our selfish reasons and impatient attitude that it should all be resolved now, as we want to travel more…

However, it has raised some questions about how we travel in the future.

Amongst those questions are :

  1. do we abstain from travelling where we are required to take a plane
  2. do we have more stay-cations where we can manage our holiday plans
  3. do we stay loyal and support the travel industry, hoping that our support will come back to us in the form of some concession for our loyalty.

I am a frequent flyer with BA, and whilst I have had the same travel issues as most with the long hold times, flight delays, flight cancelled or rescheduled flights, I have decided to stay loyal as, over the years, they have treated me well with upgrades etc., and small concessions that I am happy with.

We all have different travel needs,  some travel to release stress and free their mind, others for exploratory need to learn of new cultures, food etc., others just to relax, whatever is your reason, how will you manage the new way of travel and living during 2022 and beyond …


Until da next Tyme


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