24 Jan 2020…..
Hello travelers,
Well, what can we say about last year…
I avoided writing and commenting on a situation that I know many would have been frustrated with as much as I was last year… as quite frankly there was nothing that we could have done about it…
It was taken from our hands, and whilst many were frustrated and angry, thousands were dying and friendships lost, marriages are broken, lives lost, jobs lost.
I wondered about all that moaned about being asked to sit at home in their comfortability, whilst many were dying, thousands had no food and many others had no income… what has the world come to when we were more concerned about why we were being told to stay at home ????
With a new year kicking off, I am unsure how mother nature and we as individuals will react to yet another situation that will undoubtedly play itself out.
Whatever the situation lets us all continue to be safe and still continue t be kind to each other, we are living in a world where life is short ad material things are more valued than life itself.
Until da next Tyme
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