So most of friends tell me that they are always broke and I can agree as I have been in that situation myself, so when I found this article, I thought I would share...

From the moment you wake up…. all the way to bedtime, what's your speed in life?  Fast, fast, fast? If you have the tendency to go at a fast speed all day long and enjoy it, try this: everyday do some things at a slow...

Did you know that we’re all walking radiators?   Whatever is going on inside us – thoughts, attitudes, intentions and feelings, radiate out.  Although subtle, they broadcast loud and clear into the environment.    What are you radiating and broadcasting right now? Until da next...

Just as movies and television shows have theme tunes, wouldn't it be amazing if we had a personal theme tune!  Something that maybe gets played when you wake up or when you enter a room, or simply in the background of your experiences. If you...

How many things in your life are unfinished?  Projects, conversations, tasks, documents...

Would you say that doing a little bit of nothing every day is unproductive? Why don’t you try and see if it works for you.  You may find that doing a little bit of nothing every day makes you more productive and relaxed. Go on,...