Just as most of us prefer to keep our mailbox organised, in the same way, how about keeping our mindbox organised?  Organise your mindbox at a time that works best for you, maybe during your daily commute. Take a few minutes to: 1) Delete all...

Sometimes fear can help us weigh up risks and caution us to be careful.   So listen to those little tugs of fear.  Check whether the fear is rational or irrational.  Accordingly decide whether you need to: a) honour your fear and step back from...

Good morning all, Now most of you think I am a Diva and yes...

Good monring all, Happy Monday ! You're good at what you do & over time you've learnt a lot.  So you probably do know-a-lot. Now, share your know-how, don't let your know-how sit in your pocket. But remember, you don't...

Good morning all, So having been off the grid for about a week or so, and I have neglected to keep you all updated on what's going on in my world. Happy Monday people,lets start the countdown to christmas, lets start the week on a...

Hey there people, This weekend I am in Ibiza, passing through to the beautiful island of Formentera. However whilst I am passing through, I am being taken to view Ibiza through different eyes. Hey peeps, So I am hanging out in Ibiza,...