Setbacks are disappointing but not the end of the world! In fact, every setback is a set-up for a comeback. Here’s how to make it happen: 1. Accept the setback but don’t let it define who you are. 2. Assess the situation to understand what happened. 3. Identify...

How often have you put too much pressure on yourself or others? Here's how not to: - Be mindful of the expectations you set for yourself and others. - Don't push yourself beyond your limits and respect others' boundaries. - Stop yourself from comparing yourself to others, and...

Bringing non-violence into our lives requires great awareness and sensitivity. Not only is it about being non-violent in your actions, but also in your communication, emotions, as well as your thoughts. Be more aware that you're not being harsh or pushy. Do not hurt yourself, anyone,...

When we find ourselves enduring too much stress without much relief, burnout happens. It's more than just feeling tired or stressed; we feel empty, edgy, exhausted. And sometimes a day break or even a holiday may not be enough to rest and rejuvenate. So, when burnout...

Are you a multitasker? Multitasking is not always effective or productive. So, try to limit multitasking for the times when it’s the only option. Instead, whenever you can, mono-task and do one thing at a time. Give your full undivided attention to the conversation, the person,...

This week, go to a garden and use the tranquillity of nature to meditate. Sit and breathe in the fresh air and exhale out any stress. Let the sounds of nature, leaves rustling, birds chirping, be your meditation music. Notice the flowers, the plants, the trees,...

Thinking positive thoughts, reading inspiring ideas isn't enough if we don't let our mind digest everything it has taken in. Just like cows, chew on inspiring ideas and positive thoughts. Chew, digest well and it will nourish you.  What will you chew on today?   Until da next...

When a surfer misses a wave, the surfer doesn’t walk away from the ocean sulking. In the same way, when you miss life’s opportunities, keep the faith that opportunities are like waves, there’s always another one coming. Just keep yourself available and be ready to catch...

If you ever get to pop to London and is looking for a location with a great view, open aired, great service and awesome food...

What are you avoiding right now? Ask yourself:1) If I keep avoiding, how will this affect my life in the weeks, months & years ahead?2) If I'm avoiding something because it feels too daunting, how can I make it easy?3) If I stop avoiding &...