We've all heard the flight attendant say, "Put your oxygen mask on first before helping others." When we help ourselves first, the help we give others will be more helpful and empowering.   Help yourself by not neglecting yourself. Honour your health, time and energy. Nurture...

Which teacher(s) influenced you the most? The ones who inspired you or believed in you? Maybe even changed your life? Every difficult situation, every annoying person, every health problem, every journey delay is our teacher. They’re everywhere, in everything and everyone. Are you ready to recognise...

We are like a tree; the seed is the essence of who we are; our life-force, and our branches represent work, family, friends, health, dreams, ambitions...

Be a trustee, a guardian of the resources in your life; your energy, time, health, wealth, as well as the resources of the natural world. Be a trustee, and you're less likely to waste anything, and more likely to look after and use the resources purposefully...

Which teacher(s) influenced you the most? Maybe even changed your life? Teachers are everywhere, in everything and everyone. Every difficult situation, every annoying person, every health problem, every journey delay is our teacher, not just the ones who really inspired us or believed in us. Are...

Everything comes to us in trust.  Become a trustee and a guardian of your world and the world around you. This includes people, pets, health, wealth, job, car, house, gadgets, as well as the world’s natural resources.  Then you'll not only worry less, stress less...

Do you think stress is necessary? You may find the energy of stress stimulating but, when it’s over, it leaves you feeling drained.  And when the stress is on-going, it can affect your health. So, try and take charge of your stress. Try and stop the...

We've all heard the flight attendant say, "Put your oxygen mask on first, before helping others."  When we help ourselves first, the help we give others will be more helpful and empowering. Help yourself by not neglecting yourself.  Honour your health, time and energy.  Nurture what...

What causes you stress?  Is it your job, a relationship, health, wealth...