Life is full of drama. So, the next time things get dramatic in your life, lighten up and find the humour in the situation, if not, it’ll turn into a melodrama!    Be light and go from melodrama to enjoying the drama of life.   Until da next...

How often do you find yourself complaining about what’s missing or what's wrong? Do this often and you're likely to be dissatisfied with your life. To be more satisfied with your life, reduce the complaining, and instead focus on what’s good in your life and appreciate...

Instead of following the crowd, wear your crown. How? Own your worth, live your truth and celebrate life. Do this and you’ll uplift others and inspire them to wear their crown.   Until da next Tyme...

Life is an experience, not a test. Everything doesn't have to be a test for your self-worth and competence. So when things don't go well for you, it’s OK! You’ll never really fail because you'll always gain a lesson, an experience.   Until da next Tyme...

Often, when we get overwhelmed by life’s challenges, we lose sight of the bigger picture. It's as if we lose sight of the ocean for the waves. Life’s challenges are like waves, they come and go. See the ocean between the waves, and the waves will...

Get caught up in the daily grind, and life can easily slip into ‘just life’. But life is more than ‘just life,’ isn’t it? , fall in love with your life. 1. Infuse your life with purpose and meaning, and make things meaningful. 2. Recognise the love...

Our thoughts create a ripple effect that touches every part of our life. So, check what you are thinking at this moment, and ask yourself: Are my thoughts serving me or sabotaging me? Choose thoughts that help you and see the positive ripple effect on every...

If you want to stretch and develop your strengths, here's a tip: Use one of your personal strengths in a new way. If you enjoy this, then each week a) select one of your strengths b) think about how you could use this strength in other ways and...

Are you chasing the perfect job, the perfect partner, the perfect picture, the perfect life? Well, we live in a world of flaws, and life just isn’t perfect. Acknowledge life’s imperfections. And as one of the current ad campaign says, “Go With the Flaw.” Do this...

Pain is often a messenger.  So, when you're in pain, stop & listen to your body & to your emotions. Is the pain telling you to: - rebalance your priorities & responsibilities? - take care of yourself & get more rest? - shift things in life, & maybe...