Do you live your life drawing lines or crossing them? To preserve your wellbeing, values and self esteem, it helps to know your limits and draw the line between you and the world around you. But to expand your capacity, potential and experiences, it helps...

Did you know that in Latin, 'respire' means to 'breathe again', and 'inspire' means to 'breathe into'? Breathe, breathe slowly, breathe deeply, breathe again and you'll bring inspiration into your life. Respire to inspire.   Until da Next Tyme...

When life calls, do you answer, or do you ignore it?  When life calls, are you ready?  To be ready: 1) Keep your mind free, present and available. 2) Believe that you are courageous. Then when life calls, you'll be ready for anything, ready to call up your...

Are you wishing things were different?  Wishing what life could be? Keep wishing and you're missing out on the life you are living. If you don’t want to miss out, stop wishing your life away and start being content with the life you are living.  Start...

Do you keep putting things off; from all the little things in your life to the more significant things? If not now, then when?  Well, you can't do everything now. Some things will need to be rescheduled. But, if we keep putting things off, they...

Whatever you're going through in life, grow through it. Keep learning and applying what you learn, and you'll grow through what you go through. Grow as you go and you'll never get bored or tired with life.   Until da next Tyme...

Are you feeling overburdened by all the responsibilities in your life? If you're feeling overburdened, take responsibility of how you take responsibilities. Take some things off your plate and avoid overloading yourself in the future. See your responsibilities as gifts. Try this and you may no...

Often when we feel washed out; it's as if the colour from our life is washed away.  Next time you’re feeling washed out, take care of yourself and get some rest, and then start adding colour to your life.  Add colour to your attitude and...

Do you worry about the future? The future is unknown, uncertain and unpredictable, so instead of worrying about it, start trusting life a little bit more. Trust that everything that happens, happens for your growth. Trust that life knows your potential and it will nurture you....

Trying to do too much, too fast or trying to keep up with others will only leave you exhausted and unable to give your best. Like a runner, you have to find your own pace. Find what you can manage, what works for you and live...