Have you noticed the connection between the mind and the body?  Think anxious thoughts and your muscles tense up.  Worrying thoughts affect your digestion.  Angry thoughts increase your blood pressure.  Stress triggers headaches.  Notice the mind-body connection and think positively for better health.  You...

What you put into your mind is what you experience. Whatever you are experiencing in your mind, right now, is what you put there earlier on! So put something positive into your mind, some peace, determination, good feelings...

Be the gardener of your mind.  Remove the weeds of doubt and worry.  Plant the seeds of your hopes and dreams.  Water them with love.  Cultivate with patience and trust. What are you planting and growing in the garden of your mind?   Until...

Just as when a pebble is thrown into a pond, the ripples spread, making it hard to see through the water.  In the same way, when our mind is constantly stimulated by countless stimuli, the ripple effect makes it hard to see within. So...

The mind is where everything starts, the good, the bad and the ugly.  To get the best out of your mind, learn to harness it.  How?  Make it your friend. Good friends are honest and they very kindly tell you when you might be...

  Your mind is not made of matter but it does matter what you give it.  Give your mind the attention it needs.  Feed it healthy thoughts.  Engage it in positive contemplation. Give your mind care and your mind will give you greater focus,...

Good Morning,   All the unnecessary, repetitive thoughts that linger around in our minds create a stuffy atmosphere and affect how we feel. Next time your mind feels stuffy, filter out any negativity or unwanted thoughts.  Remove all the contaminants from your mind, just...

Good morning, Thinking too much is like eating too much.  The heaviness makes it impossible to think effectively.  Here are a few tips to keep your mind vibrant and full of energy: Diet.  Avoid pessimistic and cynical thinking.  Feed the mind light and...

Good morning all, Often we're tired because we're running marathons in our minds.  Thinking about things to do, what's been done, what should have been done; what others did, are doing, should do...

Good morning people, When your mind feels heavy, give yourself a moment to let go.  Like a bird, use the wings of your thoughts to take off, letting go of the branch, the things of the past, the way you thought yesterday...