Do you know what it means to cope? It's not gritting your teeth and enduring it. It's not holding back your emotions or reactions and holding it in. It’s not allowing anything or anyone to disturb your mind. It’s maintaining and sharing your positivity. Coping, what...

Times are tough and there’s so many things happening in our world. It's times like these that we can: - Get inspired by people's spirit of generosity - Release fear and hold a positive attitude - Carry hope wherever we go - Learn to give and give again.   Until da...

Is your glass half empty or half full? Does it even matter? Maybe what matters more is that you can refill your glass. Fill your glass with optimism, hope and gratitude. Even if the glass seems completely empty, start pouring positivity into your glass. And, slowly...

Be like a glass. Hold space for others and be a support. Create space in which others can simply be. Do it with positivity and good feeling. Be a glass act and then you become a class act.   Until da next tyme...

Good morning , Today, challenge yourself to smile, all day.  Scan for the positives and smile sincerely, both at yourself and to the world. If you don't feel like smiling then simply relax your facial muscles and see if a natural smile appears. ...

Good morning When you have a persistent negative thought that you can't get out of your head, here's an easy trick: replace it.  Create a positive replacement thought to displace the negative one.  Embellish it and the negative will slowly lose its strength. ...

Hi there all, A friend recently sent me this from one of my early post a few years ago This is my secret to being me...

Good morning all, Bring positive intentions to every interaction! Set an intention and choose how you would like to relate to the other person.  "I intend to be helpful."  "I intend to treat the other person with dignity and respect." Keep up...

Good morning all, Be positive now and you'll generate more positivity. That means, in all that you do, do it with a positive intention and feeling. The more positive you are, the more your inner strengths get nurtured. Even when something...