Did you know that we recommend meditating with eyes open? Meditate with eyes open and you're more likely to stay awake and alert, with no temptation to nod off! It ensures that you not only stay grounded and present, but also develop a skill that...

Want to meditate but just don't have the time? If you don't have the time, here's a simple suggestion: meditate as you go up or down the stairs. Bring your mind fully into the present moment and be mindful as you take the stairs, or when...

We carry our past, present and future self with us wherever we go. Who we were in the past blends into who we have become and who we want to be in the future. This week, make the time to 1) forgive, accept and love every version...

Want to make your team meetings more productive, more focused? Try this: Start your meetings with a moment of meditation. Take three long, slow, deep breaths and let go of any tension. Relax your legs, hips, back, shoulders, arms, neck and jaw, and become grounded...

Your essence is love, peace and joy, and so when you give your full attention and are fully present in your presence, your presence becomes a present. Give someone a present today   Until da next tyme...

Are you always running out of time? Time can't possibly run away from you, so why are you always trying to catch up with time? Try the following tips, and see if you can begin to walk hand in hand with time: 1. Replace the feeling of...

Dwelling on the past isn't always healthy or wise, living in the present is. But sometimes delving into the past to pull out a happy memory can be wise and healthy. Revisit a cherished memory, recall a momentous moment and revel in the past. Unpack the...

Individually and culturally, we view time differently.  Some view time linearly, moving from the past into the future in a straight line.  Some view time as cyclical, everything comes around in a circle, again and again, and so history really does repeat. Those who view time...

Are you feeling tense right now? Juggling too many things, cramming, rushing, stressing? No time for relaxation? Rather than living in the present feeling tense, take lessons from grammar and make your present perfect! Take one minute here, one minute there, or even five minutes here...

When life calls, do you answer, or do you ignore it?  When life calls, are you ready?  To be ready: 1) Keep your mind free, present and available. 2) Believe that you are courageous. Then when life calls, you'll be ready for anything, ready to call up your...