In the heat of a stressful moment, if you can, stop for a few minutes to take a few long, slow, deep breaths. Loosen your jaw, relieve the tension in your neck, allow your shoulders to fall down and back, soften your belly and release...

When you’re finding it difficult to let go of something, try the Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono. Ho’oponopono involves four steps: 1) I’m sorry. 2) Please forgive me. 3) Thank you. 4) I love you. Say these four phrases in your mind, from your heart, and repeat as many times as you...

Which teacher(s) influenced you the most? Maybe even changed your life? Teachers are everywhere, in everything and everyone. Every difficult situation, every annoying person, every health problem, every journey delay is our teacher, not just the ones who really inspired us or believed in us. Are...

Often we feel quite helpless because we can't do anything to help a situation or help someone. Next time you're feeling helpless, remind yourself that ‘we can always do something’. If not through actions, if not through words, we can always help through our thoughts. Believe...

Smile. It’ll make you happy, make others happy and project warmth. So, smile more. But have you heard that if you smile too much, you may be perceived as insincere and incompetent? Will you tone down your smile? Consider the moment, the situation? Will you smile...

When someone wrongs you or when there's something from the past that you want to let go, try the Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono. It involves four phrases: I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Say it in your mind, from your heart, and...

When there's a difficult situation, be like a kite, and rise above the situation. With a better perspective, you can handle the situation with more ease and soar high just like a kite in the sky. Until da next Tyme...

Who are your teachers? Teachers are everywhere, in everything and everyone. Every difficult situation, every annoying person is our teacher, not just the ones who encourage or believe in you the most. This week, appreciate the teachers in your life and recognise what they are trying...

In the heat of a stressful moment, if you can, stop for a few seconds or minutes to relax. Take a few deep breaths and loosen your arms, drop your shoulders, rotate your neck and release the stress. You may want to remind yourself that nothing...

Humour not only makes you light hearted but it also makes you more resilient.  How?  Well, humour helps you to stop blowing things out of proportion, find the funny lining in a situation, and put things in perspective.  This enables you to stress less and...