When there's a problem to solve or ideas to process, do you tend to 'sit on it'? Too much sitting isn't good for us, so try to 'walk on it.' Go for a walk at lunchtime or get off a few stops before your destination. Take...

When you are in need of some space and silence, try this meditation: Raise your attention up and out of the room, higher and higher, further and further into the vastness of the sky….  Going beyond the skies, the space and the galaxies, to a...

When you're doing things that feel mundane or things you don't feel like doing, ask yourself: What's the benefit of doing this? For example, when you're doing the cleaning, think of how you and others will enjoy being in a clean space. When you're exercising, think...

You've heard the quote from Albert Einstein: “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” What does your workspace say about you? Does your workspace help or hinder your focus, creativity & productivity?...

Do you delegate to unload the tasks you don't want to do? Or do you delegate to upload, that is, elevate people’s skills? How about, delegating to upload and not unload. It may take a little extra time and effort, but when you delegate to...

Just like our digital devices and our living spaces, our minds too have a limited amount of storage space. And unfortunately, we can't buy more storage space. So, how about decluttering your mind regularly and freeing up the storage space in your mind. Delete, throw out,...

When your mind feels full, separate yourself from your thoughts. Create some space and some distance, and become mindful of your thoughts. Go from ‘mind full’ to mindful, and you'll soon feel calm and free. Because you are not your thoughts, at the centre of your...

Be like a glass. Hold space for others and be a support. Create space in which others can simply be. Do it with positivity and good feeling. Be a glass act and then you become a class act.   Until da next tyme...

In conversations or presentations, do you talk too fast?  If you talk too fast, slow your pace. Try adding short pauses and at the same time keeping it natural. Slow your pace to: - give yourself space to breathe, smile and make eye contact -...

Between an interaction and your reaction, there is a space.  A space in which to assimilate what's happened, compose your thoughts and determine the best response.  Take that space to respond rather than react.  As a result, you’re more likely to make things better for...