Contemplate on the idea that: You are more than what you see in the mirror. You are more than the body. You are more than the roles you play. Contemplate this and explore the idea that you are a soul, an innate being that is always...

Find the good in everything. Even if it’s really bad, try to find at least one good thing in it. Maybe you can find a learning or some other silver lining. Take the good from everything and you will become better and handle things better.   Until da...

Do you believe others will always let you down? Holding onto this belief may make you cynical or stuck in a victim mindset. So, manage your disappointment, challenge your belief and consider whether: a) your expectations are reasonable b) you need to set better boundaries c) you can accept...

Just like our devices, sometimes we also need a reboot. Especially if you’re feeling stressed or stuck, give yourself a reboot. Sit, breathe and relax or take a stretch break. Just do something quick and simple that helps you power down, and reboot yourself and your...

There's so much baggage in our minds, it takes up space and weighs us down. Why not, unload and unpack your mind? Let go of all your stress, anxiety and all the unnecessary stuff, and let your mind breathe. Unload and unpack, and you'll lighten your...

If you are a rum lover .. then this is for you Before you read on, the following needs to happen  ...

Kindness doesn't have to involve grand gestures, but it does involve your presence. So, be more present to notice when someone is kind to you or when there's an opportunity to be kind.   Until da next Tyme...

How often do you find yourself complaining about what’s missing or what's wrong? Do this often and you're likely to be dissatisfied with your life. To be more satisfied with your life, reduce the complaining, and instead focus on what’s good in your life and appreciate...

Research has found that being near, in, on or under water has the power to soothe, inspire and rejuvenate. So, get more water into your life, whether it’s spending time by the seaside, river or a stream, or taking a dip in a pool. Even spending...